I was a girlfriend of the owner of a techno label in Buenos Aires in 2015. We lived together in my house. We started having a couple of little arguments, and he would always get angry and break something or push me.

Until one day (8-16-15), when he took me by my arms and threw me headlong to the floor. I had a momentary loss of consciousness. When I woke up he was yelling at me “Calm down crazy !! Calm down” as he held my arms (I just wanted to put my hands to my head because of the strong pain). Then he released me, and I went to take refuge on a sofa, while he kept yelling at me “You deserve it for treating me badly!”

I immediately called 911 and they took him handcuffed and detained to police station 47, and I was taken by ambulance to the Zubizarreta Hospital. They diagnosed me with “closed ECT with loss of consciousness” and left me hospitalized for 12 hours. Later I made a complaint for injuries and gender violence. He currently has a criminal case for this, but he is still free and after me.

There was another victim in April 2020, who also denounced him for having thrown her head on the floor.